The article starts out with a pretty standard lede, hard news, informative. Even though the quotes around 'extinction crisis' I think lessens the impact of what they are trying to convey: A sense of concern and remorse for these animals and their habitats. Especially that it focuses on mammals with which we can relate, and which we as humans find most cute and cuddly.
The nut graf follows immediately in the second paragraph with a quote from the head of an international animal protection organization about humanity's direct impact on wildlife and their homes. The article goes on to detail the exact species that are most endangered including a cute wild kitty, and a bunny, even though certain elephants have been removed from the list.
It also talks about how new species have been found and some have been taken off the list, giving people who want to deny the declining animal count a way to refute it, which is obnoxious. Basically it is an article about something that we've been aware of for a long time, and it was buried past the international section and not many people will go out of their way to help raise the sloping amphibian numbers. It just makes us sad at this point and the kicker fizzles out just like our countries attention.
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